For over 170 years, Western Union has advanced technology to connect people with the places and loved ones that matter most to them. Now, as a global leader in cross-border, cross-currency money movement, and with 600,000+ agent locations1 in over 200 countries and territories, Western Union makes it easy and convenient for you to send money to friends and family around the world.
Whether you need to transfer money to a friend down the street or to a family member across the globe, Western Union gets your funds where they need to be, quickly and reliably. You can visit a nearby agent location and send money while on the go or make a transfer from the comfort of home at or on the Western UnionĀ® app.
For over 170 years, Western Union has advanced technology to connect people with the places and loved ones that matter most to them. Now, as a global leader in cross-border, cross-currency money movement, and with 600,000+ agent locations1 in over 200 countries and territories, Western Union makes it easy and convenient for you to send money to friends and family around the world.
Whether you need to transfer money to a friend down the street or to a family member across the globe, Western Union gets your funds where they need to be, quickly and reliably. You can visit a nearby agent location and send money while on the go or make a transfer from the comfort of home at or on the Western UnionĀ® app.