Quebec Redneck
"This is a fun place to share our furfamily"
This is a fun place to share our pride and joy , Our fur family . Thank you to my Facebook timeline for pointing me to this site .
Erica Suiter
Rachel Hadaller
"Absolutely love pupvote"
Absolutely love pupvote. Full of positive people with cute dogs:)
Tanner Tenberg
"Good experience!"
It is a very cool experience to get to come on here and vote for all of the adorable animals. Literally sat here and looked at all of them smiling
Kaylyn Page
Seeing all of these beautiful fur babies makes me so happy. I love the happiness it brings so many people just by scrolling through. There's no division, there's love for all. The world needs so much more of this.
Papi Tai
"Pup Vote is really fun"
Pup Vote is really fun. I enjoy seeing what others think of my dog and like seeing other dog and cat lovers like myself. I also like the different things you can participate in.
Samantha Verdin
"Cute I love to show my cat cause how."
Cute I love to show my cat cause how cute he is ???????
Tiffany Best
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